Automatic Writing

Chaos can drive creativity and help hone your flow.  Letting go of structured thought can give yourself a newfound freedom of expression.  Two tools to capture the inner chaos of the mind are spontaneity prose and automatic writing. (

The idea is to write without stopping, letting the words continue instead of being squeezed out by your conscious analytical mind.  It lets your thoughts, whether coherent or incoherent, out onto the page.  In addition to being a form of literary art, automatic writing can be a tool for getting out your bottled up thoughts, feelings and emotions.  This can be especially useful when you don’t have someone available as a sounding board.

Having personally practiced automatic writing in an English class in high school, as well as a poetry class in college, there is a very noticeable flow that occurs.  If my mind ever came to a stop, continually writing the same word would release the next stream of consciousness.

It is a freeing experience to not worry about grammar, punctuation or whether someone will critique you.  This technique is a great means for emptying your mind and capturing your inner dialogue.  It can also be quite revealing about how you are feeling inside.  Later, you can come back and review if you like, and pull out certain thoughts or themes to expand upon.

So give it a try!

Follow your flow